Wednesday 17 September 2014

Where have I been???

First off I want to truly apologize for not blogging in so long. I really miss it I haven't blogged since JANUARY. Its crazy. And I want to explain why it wasnt because I wanted too. If I am honest my health has gone down hill. I am awake for less than 4hrs a day and TAFE has to come first. I am struggling with TAFE but that is a whole post of its own (expect that on Monday if all goes to plan).

From January- March I was very sick because my bowel was so full and close to rupturing. I went on to a bible conference and had a fantastic time I put on a brave face but I was very sick. When I got back the only place I went was my bed and the hospital. At one point my doctor wasn't sure I was strong enough for surgery and everyone was very scared for me. As was I. On March 14 I had surgery. The did an ACE procedure which is where they use my appendix as a tube from my bowel to the outside of my abdomen and I put a catheter in there attached to a bag of medication which cleans out my bowel to keep it empty so that my bowel isn't overstretched and doesn't rupture so I don't have toxins in my body. After the surgery I was in extreme pain every time I would fall asleep I would be crying in pain. It was a hard few weeks. Learning to use the ACE was a huge adjustment. Doing my washout can take up to 2hrs on days I am not well as I have to run it through very slowly so that I dont vomit. I was overwhelmed by all the support so thank you.

Also some very sad news on 29/April we lost my lovely dog and best friend Buddy and that was very hard and we still havent really got over it. 3 weeks ago we got a new black lab called Mary :) She is beautiful. She is a trained companion dog. When I am in pain she wont leave my side and she has made my mental health so much better. We still miss Buddy and Mary will never replace her but she has softened the hurt a little bit.

Buddy (12 Feb 2001 to 29 April 2014)

Mary on duty when I was very sick 2 days after we got her

Since I got home my bladder has stopped working so we are trying to work on that, my kidneys are not working as well as they should and that is very scary because I cant get a transplant because of the Ehlers Danlos if that was needed. We don't really know what is going on yet. I still haven't fully recovered from the surgery and I have lost all my core strength. I have had a staph infection which really drained me. I have a very bad ingrown toenail which keeps getting infected so I need to get this looked at.

There has been a lot more going on but this is a basic overview but if you follow my facebook page you know all of this.

I hope that this sort of gives you an overview and explains the ACE procedure more. I am thinking of doing a question and answers post so if you have any questions please write them in the comments on here or my facebook page. Thank you for reading. Until next time ((zebra hugs))

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