Wednesday 10 September 2014

Invisble Illness Awareness Week

I am so sorry that it has been so long since I last posted but I will tell you all that has gone on in another post or you can check out my facebook page to have a look but it is Invisible Illness Awareness Week and I know there are so many posts about it but I wanted to make my own because we need to make noise for people to take us seriously, to make people realize that you dont have to look like your on deaths door to be sick.

I have an Invisible Illness but sometimes it is very obvious. It isnt always so hidden. On the days that I am in my wheelchair or have a million braces on. But I have faced the stigma of Invisble Illness since I was very young. As a child knowing you are different but knowing no one else can tell is a isolating and frightening experience. I knew that my whole body ached, that I could feel my joints grinding on my bones, that I felt like my body was going to drop me on the ground... I could go on and on but I won't the point is I felt alone. The only light at the end of the tunnel was my Mum who believed that I wasnt crazy.

One thing I want to cover is Disability parking sometimes if I am just knicking into the shop I will walk as it means my mum doesn't have to pull out my wheelchair. Most of the time people will:
a) Give us a dirty look
b) Say to "their friend" that they wonder if we know it is a disability parking bay
c) Verbally abuse us
or worst case
d) Physically abuse us

I am not against people asking us if we are disabled. I know people steal acrod stickers but our sticker is always visable and we have a magnet on the back of our car saying "I LOVE SOMEONE WITH EHLERS DANLOS SYNDROME" so we are a little hard to miss... I wish that people could realize that not everyone with a disability is in a wheelchair.

Please if you see someone who doesnt look sick using priority seating or parking in a disability bay dont abuse them just ask most people are fine with a simple "Hi, not meaning to be rude but are you aware this is a disabled bay?"

I understand the want to be the hero and not want people to be abusing the disabled bays. I truly do but there are right ways to go about it.

Sorry this isn't the greatest post but I am exhausted but I really wanted to get something up for you.

I am hoping to blog more often so hope to have another post up soon :)

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