Friday 10 January 2014

Spiritual Goals for 2014

One thing that I think is really important to always work on is your relationship with God and grow in your knowledge of Him so the first set of goals I made for the new year were spiritual goals.

These were my spiritual goals for 2014 and the reasoning behind them.

1.       Read Devotionals Everyday:
   I think that reading devotionals (in conjunction with the bible) can give you things to think about that you may not have thought about before. I enjoy a wide range of devotionals and Mum got me a 365 Devotional a Day book for Christmas and so far I am loving it.

2.       Read the Whole Bible In a Year:
  I try to do this every year but sometimes when I am sick it is hard for me to do much reading. I enjoy reading the bible and the more you read it the more that you pick up on things you haven’t noticed before.

3.       Journal My Feelings and What I am Studying:
   My spiritual journey has a lot of ups and downs and I think it is important to write them down. I also like to journal what I am studying as I can look back on it to see what it was about.

4.       Attend More Studies and Ecclesial Related Events:
   When I am feeling sick, I am tired and unable to stay awake and alert for too long it makes it hard for me to get to all of the events. I love these events and I get so much encouragement from them. I am hoping that if I rest up when I know events are coming up I will be able to get to more of them.

5.       Do More ‘Subject Based’ Study on my own:
    I love studying certain parts of the bible that interest me. I find that I learn heaps about these topics that I never knew before.

6.       Learn to give my Troubles Over to God:
    This is something that I really struggle with and takes a lot of practice. God cares so much for me and I really trust that He knows what is best for me but I still struggle with actually handing my struggles over to him.

What are your spiritual goals for 2014?

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