Tuesday 31 December 2013

Things to work on, Not Resolutions

New Year Resolutions have always seemed like a scary or 'useless' thing to me as they always seem to fail and with my health I never know what my limits are going to be in the next hour let alone the next year. I also think that New Years Resolutions fail because we aim too high- I want to never say a bad thing about someone all year long, I want to run 3 miles every day (and not work up to it and just do 3 miles on your first day.
So this year I decided to write down some Goals and 'Things I need to Work on' as over the past few months there have been a lot of things that I want to work on over the coming year.
Over the next week I will share with you my goals in the following sections and my reasoning behind them.
The Categories are:
  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Family
  • Study
  • Friends
  • Hobbies
  • Blog
  • Rachael's Health Journey Facebook Page
I hope that me sharing my goals will help some of you and give you something to think about, or that you will at least enjoy reading them!
I think a lot of people in the Chronically Ill community will relate to these and have probably thought the same things many times.
I hope that you all have  a FANTASTIC year and I want to thank you all for supporting me over the past year. I honestly can't thank you enough!

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