Tuesday 30 December 2014

New Years... New Starts??

In this post I want to talk about why I don't see New Years as a new start. I don't enjoy New Years or the weeks leading up to it. Without fail every year it leaves me to reflect the year before and wonder about what the new year is going to bring. Every year I pray that the new year is going to be one of health and happiness and achievements- but really when you have a degenerative disease chances are that that is not going to happen.

My doctors have told me that I most likely (and I am doing my best to defy this and be the one that shocks the doctors) have 5 goodish years and after that I will most likely be in my wheelchair permanently and in bed the times that I am not. Chances are my organs will deteriorate, my pain will get worse, meds will stop working and that my quality of life will go downhill. Now some of you may think that I am being incredibly negative but its the truth and I don't want to sugar coat this as I know many of my fellow spoonies (if you don't understand this term read The Spoon Theory) feel the same way and many of us feel bad for having these feelings but its only natural.

The past year has been a tough one but I also know that there is a possibility that this year won't be much better. I know that I need to appreciate the health that I have now as we don't know what the new year will bring.

This year I am going to aim to tick as many things off my bucket list and to spend quality time with my family.

Please remember that New Years isn't always a happy time for those who are chronically ill. And be supportive and understanding when they aren't as excited about New Years as you are.

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