Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Sleep Issues in EDS

Constant Fatigue: People with EDS never feel refreshed. Imagine having the flu and the fatigue that comes with it. People with EDS feel like that Every. Single. Day.

Unrefreshing Sleep: People with EDS do not reach REM sleep so they never have quality sleep which means they have unrefreshing sleep and have the fatigue mentioned above.

Discomfort: It is very hard for people with EDS to get comfortable because of the all over body pain. Most people with EDS do not have a single comfortable position so it takes them longer to get to sleep.

Waking alot during the night: Most people with EDS wake at least every 2 hours during the night. Personally I wake around 6 times during the night when I sleep for 8 hours.

Dislocations: Many people with EDS have dislocations during the night. I personally can dislocate/sublux 15 joints over night on a bad night.

Pain: All people with EDS have pain overnight. Pain can seem worse when laying down. Many people with EDS need pain killers to be able to sleep. Pain can wake you up many times during the night and it makes it much harder to get comfortable.

Insomnia: A lot of people with EDS have insomnia. I am not sure why this is. I think it is pain induced in many instances. I have bad insomnia. Some times I will only sleep for 1/2 an hour all night which leaves me even more exhausted and makes me more sore.

Hypersomnia: Some people with EDS have hypersomnia where they have an increased need for sleep and can sleep almost all day only waking to go to the bathroom and to have something to eat.  Many people can fall asleep almost anywhere

Delayed Sleep Phrase Syndrome: This means that most people with EDS can not get to sleep before the early hours of the morning.

Sleep Talking: Lots of people with EDS sleep talk. Including me! I have said some weird things in my sleep.

Sleep Walking:
Many people with EDS sleep walk. I don't very often but I have been known to.

Sleep Apnea: Many with EDS have sleep apnea. I am being tested for it at the moment.

Restless Leg Syndrome: I have  theory that this is because of pain. I have Restless Leg Syndrome. I find Blackmores MagMin helps with this.

Periodic Limb Movement Disorder: Many people with EDS have this. I am one of them. During the night my legs have moved so much that I have got them caught in the springs under the bed.

Sensitivity to Temperature: At night many EDSers go from hot to cold. It is a lot like having the chills when you have a cold.



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