Thursday, 31 January 2013

Pregnancy and EDS

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Men may not want to read this------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Each case of EDS is different so everyone with EDS will have different problems, some people especially those with Type 4 may not be able to carry a baby.

I have never had a baby so I don't have personal experience to share but this is what I know from research

These are some of the risks:

- There is a greater risk of miscarriage.
- Early Rupture of the membranes leading to preterm labor.
- Pre-Eclampsia
- Placental Abruption
- Uterine Rupture- more common in Type 4
- Pelvic Instability
-  The added weight and the pregnancy hormones can irreversibly harm the mothers body and cause more            pain.
- Some people with EDS have a resistance to epidurals
- Some people have quick labors (That could be lucky hey!)
- There can be some tearing with natural births
- There is also a 50% chance of passing EDS onto the baby.

These are all things to consider when planning a family.

What are your experiences?



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